Dr. Daria Majzoubi has been practicing medicine for over 13 years, starting his practice in the Central Valley in 2003. He specializes in holistic care, mixing western medicine with eastern medicine and working to find a balance that helps patients experience relief. His focus is delivering primary care to patients in Visalia, CA.
Trained at George Washington University, Dr. Majzoubi did his Residency at Northwestern and, shortly after, began publishing his views on holistic treatments and their integration into modern medicine. His focus is always in treating patients in the traditional way, with traditional medicine, while incorporating holistic practices to improve results and patient wellness.
Dr. Majzoubi believes in the power of attentiveness. He always has one-on-one conversations with patients and never rushes them, so he can get a true understanding of what they’re experiencing and what they need. He strives to personalize every experience to get the very best possible results from treatment.